
Property Investment in London: A Guide to West London
Choosing where to buy or invest in property in London can sometimes be tricky, particularly when you are unsure of the various areas located throughout the capital city. However, property investment in London is ideal for those looking to purchase residential property in a diverse and well-connected location. Its rich history and plethora of must-see attractions make it popular among tourists and locals who also get to enjoy how well-connected London is to the rest of the world. As part of the Berkeley Group’s diverse portfolio, White City Living, The Green Quarter, and Royal Warwick Square are vibrant new developments located in West London. Find out more by reading our guide to West London.
12月 04, 2023

當決定在英國購買房產時,許多買家往往只專注於倫敦的房地產。 是的,首都充滿了投資機會,有可能產生良好的收益甚至更好的回報,但是當你將搜索範圍擴大到城市之外時,你可能會驚訝地發現擁有相同甚至更好的房產的可能性。 今天的房地產投資指南重點關注雷丁,這是位於倫敦以外泰晤士河畔的英國主要大學城。 波克夏地區擁有蓬勃發展的房地產市場,幾乎每天都會出現巨大的投資機會,其中之一就是柏克萊集團開發的亨特利碼頭。 請繼續閱讀,了解為什麼在英國尋找房地產投資的買家應將目光投向伯克郡雷丁。
12月 04, 2023

Buying a Property in London: Your Guide to Kennington
Buying a property in London offers endless benefits to homemakers and investors alike. The ideal purchase can offer an excellent return on investment (ROI) opportunity, with the location placing you at the forefront of London’s very best educational institutions, retail and entertainment facilities, renowned restaurants and more. Kennington is a vibrant town in London that is located just south of the River Thames, offering buyers a slice of suburban life in its leafy surrounds. We provide the perfect neighbourhood guide to Kennington and the benefits of buying a property in London below.
12月 04, 2023

Property investment in London: A Guide to West Ham
Buyers have plenty of choices where it concerns property investment in London. With so many excellent residential areas from which to choose, it proves helpful to have a handy guide to neighbourhoods such as the ever-popular West Ham in East London. Situated in the London borough of Newham, TwelveTrees Park gives buyers and investors excellent access to top educational institutions, bustling shopping destinations, great travel infrastructure, and more. Discover why West Ham is an ideal location for buying and investing in London below.
12月 04, 2023

Property Investment in London: A Guide to Kensington & Chelsea
Kensington and Chelsea is one of the most sought-after areas for property investment in London. This exclusive borough is revered worldwide for its atmosphere, upbeat local lifestyle and culture. From its historic museums and high-end fashion outlets to its parks and concert halls, Kensington and Chelsea offer exceptionally strong demand for residential property, and making a property investment here can be a rewarding endeavour. Below, we provide an area guide to Kensington and Chelsea and discuss the benefits of investing in property at Royal Warwick Square, a luxury development by St. Edward, a proud member of the Berkeley Group.
12月 04, 2023